Psychotherapy - in general  

 Today's times bring a number of situations that a person is unable to handle alone. Haste and other external influences force us to deviate from our nature, in which we would otherwise be able to be in good mental and physical condition, make easy decisions, feel good the way we are. 

Psychotherapy can help us stop, think about our true feelings, needs, desires. It enables a meeting with oneself with the support of a psychotherapist. Sometimes we may have a tendency to instinctively avoid meeting our inner self, but it is clear that the ability to accept our true nature leads to a relaxed, fulfilled and happier life in the long run. Therefore, it is not necessary to seek psychotherapeutic help only in the case when a person already has really serious mental problems, but very commonly also in cases where he "only" wishes to know better his inner self and life as a whole. 

Psychotherapy is also here for those who would like to change something in their generally functioning life, to develop in some direction, but they cannot easily decipher how to do it specifically. To know oneself means to be able to recognize the many influences of contemporary society and to decide with a sense of calm for what is "best for me". However, by doing this we will not only help ourselves, but also those around us, who after a while will begin to feel our inner serenity. 

So whatever the causes of your current sadness, irritation, loss of meaning in life or other psychological discomfort, I offer you the opportunity to get closer to your own center, life energy and inner source of life's joy through this common path. 

In my practice, I mostly use elements of the Somatic experiencing method, Pesso Boyden Psychomotor Therapy and Gestalt therapy.